Statistics of the decade

by | Sep 17, 2019 | Latest News

Now that the nights are drawing in, our minds naturally turn to regular end-of-year events and activities: Halloween; Bonfire night; Christmas; New Year’s eve; and the Royal Statistical Society ‘Statistics of the Year’ competition.

You may remember from a previous post that there are 2 categories for Statistic of the Year: ‘UK’ and ‘International’. You may also remember that last year’s winners were 27.8% and 90.5% respectively. (Don’t ask, just look back at the previous post).

So, it’s that time again, and you are free to nominate your own statistics for the 2019 edition. Full details on the criteria for nominations are given at the RSS link above, but suggested categories include:

  • A statistic that debunks a popular myth;
  • A statistic relevant to a key news story or social trend;
  • A statistic relevant to a phenomenon/craze this year.

But if that’s not exciting enough, this year also sees the end of the decade, so you are also invited to nominate for ‘Statistic of the Decade’, again in UK and International categories. As the RSS say:

The Royal Statistical Society is not only looking for statistics that captured the zeitgeist of 2019, but as the decade draws to a close, we are also seeking statistics that can help define the 2010s.

So, what do you think? What statistics captured 2019’s zeitgeist for you? And which statistics helped define your 2010’s?

Please feel free to nominate to the RSS yourselves, but if you send me your nomination directly, I’ll post a collection of the replies I receive.

Thanks to Luigi for pointing out to me that the nominations for this year were now open.

Stuart Coles

Stuart Coles


I joined Smartodds in 2004, having previously been a lecturer of Statistics in universities in the UK and Italy. A famous quote about statistics is that “Statistics is the art of lying by means of figures”. In writing this blog I’m hoping to provide evidence that this is wrong.