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Sex and the Coronavirus

  Actually, not in that sense, but you can find relevant information here. For good and for bad, the Coronavirus epidemic is generating a large...

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Stay strong, stay at home

  This is a quick follow-up to yesterday's post, 'Reasons to be cheerful'. I suggested there that looking at the same data in different ways...

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Reasons to be cheerful…

Ok, not cheerful exactly, but optimistic. Often, looking at the same data in a different way can give a completely different perspective on...

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The World Health Organisation officially declared the current Coronavirus outbreak a pandemic on 12 March.  A pandemic is technically defined as:...

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  "Io resto a casa" translates as "I'm staying home" and is the latest message of solidarity against Coronavirus here in Italy. As you'll know,...

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Epidemic calculator

The picture above is a screenshot from a brilliant online epidemic calculator. It's based on a standard infectious disease model, SEIR...

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Life comes at you fast

  A few posts back I tried to explain the concept of herd immunity, since that seemed to be a cornerstone of the UK policy to handle the...

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The Rules of Contagion

With uncanny timing, Adam Kucharski, who is a professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, has just published a book titled 'The...

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Numbers and pictures

Statistics is playing a fundamental role in supporting decision-makers by providing predictions of the Coronavirus epidemic spread and of the likely...

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Test, test, test…

  The testing of individuals for COVID-19 has become an urgent and sensitive issue. Some of the main questions are: Who should get tested and...

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One of the difficulties in determining how to respond to the Coronavirus epidemic is a lack of evidence with which to base decisions. But since some...

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Andrà tutto bene

  There's been a lot of discussion this weekend about the approach proposed by the UK government for handling the Coronavirus epidemic and how...

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