In a previous post I set a variation of the classic birthday problem: What's the least number of people you need in a room for there to be a 50%...
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Regression to the mean
When Matthew was asked at a recent offsite for book recommendations, his first suggestion was Thinking, Fast and Slow. This is a great book, full...
Enjoy the universe while you can
I've mentioned in the past that one of the great things about Statistics is the way it's a very connected subject. A technique learnt for one...
Did you swap?
Thanks to all of you who responded to the recent post double your bonus where I posed the following question: You are presented with two envelopes....
xG, part 1
Adam wrote and asked for a discussion of xG. I'm so happy about this suggestion that I'm actually going to do two posts on the topic. In this post...
I don’t go for stats
I've mentioned in previous posts that an analysis of the detailed statistics from a game can provide a deeper understanding of team...
Statistics on match day
In an earlier post I discussed how the use of detailed in-play statistics was becoming much more important for sports modelling, and we looked at a...
Between 23 and 7.8 billion
Some of you might remember that a while back I gave a talk at an offsite where I used the classic birthday problem as a motivating example when...
Cricket statistics versus quantum mechanics
My intention in this blog is to keep the technical level easy enough for everyone to understand. But just in case you struggle to understand...
So sad about the leopards
At the recent offsite, Nity suggested I do a post on the statistics of climate change. I will do that properly at some point, but there's such an...
Double your bonus
Since Smartodds is connected to the world of gambling, the company has decided to handle the allocation of bonuses differently this year....