Fed up of the cold, snow and rain? Don't worry, spring is forecast to be here earlier than usual. Two caveats though: 'Here' is some...
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The benefit of foresight
Ok, I'm going to be honest... I'm not really happy with this post. I keep deleting it and re-writing it, but can't get it in a form where it...
Last year's Fifa© world cup Panini sticker album had spaces for 682 stickers. Stickers were sold in packs of 5, at a cost of 80 pence...
Christmas quiz answers
Just in case anyone attempted the Royal Statistical Society Christmas quiz that I included in an earlier post, the solutions are now available here....
Nokia 3310
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy2vc9lW5r0 Whatever happened to the Nokia 3310, and what's that got to do with sports data? Many of you will know...
Who wants to win £194,375?
In an earlier post I included a link to Oscar predictions by film critic Mark Kermode over the years, which included 100% success rate across...
The gene genie
One of the most remarkable advances in scientific understanding over the last couple of hundred years has been Mendelian genetics. This theory...
Pulp Fiction (Our Esteemed Leader’s cut)
The previous post had a cinematic theme. That got me remembering an offsite a while back where Matthew gave a talk that I think he called 'Do...
How to not win £194,375
In the previous post we looked at why bookmakers like punters to make accumulator bets: so long as a gambler is not smart enough to be able to...
Bookmakers love accumulators
You probably know about accumulator, or so-called 'acca', bets. Rather than betting individually on several different matches, in an...
You probably remember the NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick who started the protest against racism in the US by kneeling during the national anthem....
Lucky, lucky 2019
Welcome back to Smartodds loves Statistics. Let's start the new year with a fun statistic: 2019 is a lucky, lucky year. Why is that? Well,...