Oops, I almost missed the chance to wish you a happy Pi day. So, almost belatedly: Happy Pi day!!! You probably know that Pi - or more...
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Love Island
A while back Harry gave a talk to the (then) quant team about trading strategies. The general issue is well-known: traders have to decide...
Mr. Greedy
In parallel to my series of posts on famous statisticians, I also seem to be running a series of posts on characters from the Mr. Men books....
Ernie is dead, long live Ernie
Oh no, this weekend they killed Ernie... Let me explain... Ernie (Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment) is the acronym of the random number...
March Madness
It's sometimes said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Arguably, too much knowledge is equally bad. Indeed, Einstein is quoted...
The origin of all chavs upon this earth
This is a true story which includes an illustration of how interesting statistical questions can arise in simple everyday life. It's a bit...
Rare stickers
In an earlier post we looked at the number of packets of Panini stickers you'd be likely to need in order to complete an album. In that post...
Famous statisticians: Sir Francis Galton
This is the second in a so-far very short series on famous statisticians from history. You may remember that the first in the series...
Happy Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine's Day. In case you didn't get any cards or gifts today, please know that Smartodds loves Statistics loves you. Anyway, I...
Dance, dance, dance…
Ever thought: 'I'm pretty sure I would fully understand Statistics, if only a modern dance company would illustrate the techniques for me'? I hope...
The bean machine
Take a look at the following video... It shows the operation of a mechanical device that is variously known as a bean machine, a quincunx or a...
Groundhog day
Fed up of the cold, snow and rain? Don't worry, spring is forecast to be here earlier than usual. Two caveats though: 'Here' is some...